Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shane is 4 weeks old!!!!!!!

It seems impossible to believe, but our little peanut is 4 weeks old today! Time flies when you are having fun! We celebrated the day by attempting to take Shane's one month pictures. Unfortunately, it is Spring Break and Easter week so many of the studios were full so we decided to head over to Walmart and give them a try. This was not our best decision. The photographer did not seem very experienced with newborns. She kept trying to pose him and position him in crazy ways. Dan tried to explain to her that she needed to just start snapping pictures as soon as we put him down, before he started screaming, but she did not operate like that. We finally got a few good shots that we ordered, but we will be trying again on Thursday. We capped off the busy day by voting in our local township elections where two of our friends are running for office! Go Maureen and John!!! We are anxiously awaiting the results and Shane is crossing all of his fingers and toes for a good democratic victory! Tomorrow Shane will attend his first Passover Sedar and Sunday will be his first Easter!
I am, of course, posting more pictures of Shane. Dan says I/we have taken 500 in his first month!

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