Saturday, May 16, 2015

A tale of two dad's

On March 28, 2014 I thought my world ended. Dan died just 5 days shy of our 10th wedding anniversary. I always knew it would happen - after all he was born with Cystic Fibrosis and he had a double lung transplant. I knew when I agreed to marry him that I was agreeing to become a young widow. How many young brides read blogs of widows and widowers? I did. Of course I hoped that he would beat all the odds, but as a science teacher I knew what I was getting into. I loved Dan and wanted to marry him - regardless of how long our time together would last. However, I was not prepared for what losing Dan would do to our family - specifically Shane who had just turned 5 18 days before Dan's death and Maddie who was just 2 1/2. In grieving the loss of my best friend, I also had to grieve the loss of a dad for Shane and Maddie. While I had entered into my relationship with Dan with my eyes wide open - Shane and Maddie never signed up for a life without a dad. I would sit on my kitchen floor and sob silently as I pictured all of their future Father's Days, daddy-daughter dances, T-ball games, birthdays, and average days spent without a dad. Dan was a tremendous dad and he loved his kids more than anything in the world. He left a million memories, but I knew those would not be enough. Dan's family promised to step in for our kids and they stepped up in many ways, but nothing can replace the daily presence of a man who loves you more than he does himself. After Dan being so sick for a year, I was so lonely and wanted someone special in my life again. They say those with great marriages tend to be willing to date sooner and I was ready after a few months. Dan left me with his blessing to move on and he wanted me to do so "quickly." I used to get mad when he would tell me that, never realizing how much it would mean to me to know he was more than ok with that happening. I started to go on a few dates, never letting anyone meet my children. My friends promised Dan would send the right guy my way. I laughed. However, all of my doubt went out the window when I met Alex. After talking to him on the phone for over 2 hours, I learned he grew up just blocks from Dan - they went to the same elementary school! They did not know each other because Dan, who was the youngest in his family, was 10 years older than Alex, who was the oldest in his family. Something told me Alex was different than the other men I had met (who by the way were all nice) and I made plans to see him without lining up a babysitter (something I had never done before!) Thankfully my friend Anna watched the kids and Alex and I had an amazing date. I knew on that date that I met my next husband. It sounds crazy, but I knew. I let him meet the kids casually at my block party on date 3. That was when I was 100% sure that Alex was right not only for me, but for the three of us. He instantly clicked with Shane and Maddie and they fell for him as hard as I did. After 5 months of dating, he unofficially moved in (his stuff came 6 weeks later). With Alex here permanently, Shane and Maddie gained a dad back. Do not get me wrong, Alex is not Dan. He is not like in Dan in any way except that he loves Shane and Maddie fiercely. We are not trying to replace Dan. Dan was Dan and Alex is Alex. Dan is discussed all of the time in this house. Dan's family is still a huge presence in all of our lives. Having Alex as a dad, just means my children are lucky enough to have two men who they can call Dad (something Shane pointed out to me.) Two men who would do anything for them. They are blessed to have Alex because not only does he love me and them, but he also is confident and strong enough to not be threatened by the legacy of Dan. Alex works from home on days there are special events at the kids school so he can attend them, he takes them out on special dates, he brushes teeth, reads bedtime stories, gives snuggles, taught Shane to love Star Wars, taught Maddie to ride a bike, calms Maddie down when she is being a "threenager" and has made our family complete. On this Father's Day my children will remember the great man that was there when they were brought into this world and they will celebrate the one who will be by their side as they navigate through it. Alex has been the answer to my prayers - in him I found true love and a best friend and a father to my children. It takes a special man to be willing to love children that are not his blood children. I found a quote a while back that said, "A Daddy isn't defined as the man who makes the child, but rather a man who extends his hands and time to help raise the child! Blood doesn't always make you a daddy. Being a daddy comes from the heart..." How lucky am I that I have children smart enough to recognize and appreciate their fortune in having two spectacular men they can love and honor on Father's Day. Happy Father's Day in heaven Dan! I know you are smiling down on us! And Alex, happy 1st Father's Day! You are an incredible man and father! We love you!